A Useful Dev tip/trick I Learnt Today
It is useful to run some commands automatically when certain files change, like, I want to run `go install` in my working directory every time I edit any go file. You can do it using this tool https://github.com/cespare/reflex using the following command:
reflex -r ‘\.go’ go install
Bonus tip: nohup it using the following command to run in the background and ignore the input and append output to .out file to avoid activity on the screen.
nohup reflex -r ‘\.go’ go install &
You can of course control the background processes using jobs command afterward.
If you’re using vim you can run it async using AsyncRun vim plugin using:
AsyncRun reflex -r `\.go` go install
This will enable use you to look out for compilation errors in the quickfix window easily. (:copen to open and :cclose to close)
More about the auther at http://www.souvikhaldar.info :)